There are many reasons why someone is looking for people in Germany.
Typical examples are persons like:
- ✓ German relatives and family members to whom contact was lost
- ✓ Physical parents and other members of the family in Germany
- ✓ Former friends from the youth time in Germany
- ✓ Fellow German students from their studies at the university
- ✓ Heirs who live in Germany
- ✓ Old school friends and classmates
- ✓ Debtors living in Germany
- ✓ Business partners from the field of business, whom you cannot find
- ✓ The Youth Love from Germany with whom contact was lost many years ago
- ✓ People with whom you have lived in an institution
- ✓ Important German witnesses for example for a court hearing (we serve papers in Germany)
This list can be extended almost indefinitely. Whatever the background of your locate query, in most cases a private investigator can help to find the person.
When searching for someone, the private detective determines the current address of the target in Germany and also internationally in almost every country. Our research organization is established throughout Germany and worldwide. Of course, the centre of the investigations is in Germany.
No central register in Germany for people search
People search in Germany is far more complicated than you think. On the one hand, this has to do with data protection, on the other hand in Germany there is no central register of the entire population.
In fact, every city and larger municipality has its own registration office. In most cities this registration office is called Bürgerbüro. By the way, in former times the official name was Einwohnermeldeamt. Hundreds of them exist all over Germany.
So if you don’t know in which German city the person you are looking for lives, it can be difficult for you to find out the address yourself. Because a private detective proceeds differently with the address determination, he has a higher success rate than if you yourself “clatter” office for office.
And by the way – the German authorities are not known for working fast and being particularly helpful with private searches for people. This is mostly true even if a person disappeared and especially for people searches for old friends. The German authorities are quick to say that data protection makes it impossible to provide information.
Investigate for the new address of people throughout Germany by private detectives
Our detective agency carries out people search throughout Germany. No matter where the person lives – our private detectives extend the search to the whole of Germany and Europe.
In fact, nowadays you can try to find a lost contact yourself via the Internet. Sometimes it even works. Search engines like Google or Bing help, as do social networks.
- Xing,
- or LinkedIn
are a good source for the search query.
- The online German telephone book (Telefonbuch aka White Pages).
- The online German Yellow Pages (Gelbe Seiten) and similar sites.
- People search portals like Yasni and Stayfriends
These websites can also be useful if you are searching for someone in Germany. But: Only a fraction of Germans still have their own telephone number published in the telephone directory, and only fewer still have given permission for their address to be released in conjunction with their telephone number.
Name change due to marriage – what now?
But what if the target has changed the maiden name? The friend (male or female) from before may have got married and now has a different name. Then it is difficult for you to find someone you are looking for. You won’t find your old friend in the phone book by phone number or anywhere else, because you don’t know his name today, so you can’t look for the entry.
Therefore you have in many cases also with all these public sources and web pages on-line in the Internet no real chance to find German people.
You can also investigate archives of the press. Maybe the person has been reported and he is in the directory. But that does not always get you any further either, because the content of the report does not have to give information about the current address.
Often your efforts with your limited possibilities and few references quickly end in a dead end. That’s why it’s good to know that a private detective agency can be a great help in your case. We investigate everywhere in Germany at each place of action after the looked for like:
- Private Investigator Berlin
- Private Investigator Hamburg
- Private Investigator Munich (München in Bavaria)
- Private Investigator Frankfurt
- Düsseldorf
- and every other German location and town
Free analysis before tracing people in Germany
First of all, it is necessary for you to provide our German Detective Agency with all the data that you know about the subject you are looking for. Then the investigator can get a picture and assess how much effort is involved in the search.
You will then receive an offer for the price of the investigation in Germany. Because one thing is clear: as a company we have to be paid for our services and cannot offer a free people search.
In many cases, you will receive an offer in which you will have to pay a basic price that varies from case to case. If the target is found, then the success case has occurred. Then we charge an additional contingency fee. This depends on the effort and the difficulty of the search.
If the target is already deceased, we can – if desired – try to find the grave. A further fee including the German VAT is charged for this. If we determine that someone has died, the success fee is also due because we have a final result for the missing person.
Request a free quote for finding German people
When finding people, the first and last name and date of birth are very helpful and necessary in most cases.
The more information there is about the missing person, the greater the probability of being able to determine successfully and the lower the costs. The full name of the searched one should already be known to you. Only the last name can be too little to find someone.
As a first step, you should write us a message what do you know about the subject. Every member of our team is bound to secrecy. Any information that you entrust to him will be treated confidentially.
Because the people search is extended over the whole of Germany, orders of this kind are processed and carried out centrally by the operations control centre. Please send us a short message via the contact button on this site with your e-mail address. Or call us during the day (CET) so that a private detective can advise you without obligation. We can find people’s addresses in Germany.
Consultation if you search for people in German via telephone number:
+49 – 2369 – 20 30 490
The telephone call with the consultant does not oblige you to do anything, regardless of whether you commission the address inquiry or not. Every inquiry is non-binding. You will receive a free offer and further information. Prerequisite is a legitimate interest.
We are searching for people all over Europe and worldwide
If you would like to have found someone abroad, this is also possible. We research nationally in Germany and internationally and find the way to the goal. We cover these countries, for example:
- Austria
- Poland
- Turkey
- Switzerland
- The Netherlands
- Portugal
- Russia
- Australia
- UK
- Canada
- France
- Denmark
- and many other countries
Last but not least, for your information as an advice: just a first name alone is usually not enough to find someone. Then this first name would have to be extremely rare. Even a typical name in Germany like Müller or something similar is usually not helpful if you are looking for certain people. But if you provide enough details, we see good chance to find your family member or lost friend.